Hello Friends ! 
Welcome to the Incognito's  Blog . So , Guys ! Without wasting any time lets move on our topic as you know what is our topic today. So lets go !

1. PHISHING :- In this type of attack , attacker sends a link of duplicate social media account login page. And  when victim clicks on that link he/she will be redirected to that duplicate social media login page .Now , when victim enters his/her username and password it will reach to attacker or hacker through that duplicate login page ..And Boom !

2. SHOULDER SURFING :- In this type of attack, the hacker or attacker looks for the password and pins.. By looking over the victims shoulder. 

3. BRUTEFORCE :- In this type of hacking attack, attacker tries many password or passphrases with the hope that it would get correct . The attacker tries until it gets correct.
(So please don't set common password such as admin or your own user name, phone number or anything else.)

4. SPEAR PHISHING :-  Spear phishing is the attack in which attacker makes an fake email which looks like real and from there attacker gives a link to login. From there where the victim login's his/her Username and password reaches to the attacker through this page.
                   Example of Spear phishing 

5. MITM ( Man In The Middle ) :- In this type of attack, attacker comes in middle of the communication between client and server. And looks for credentials. 

                          Example of MITM
6. IP SPOOFING :- Ip spoofing is a method in which attacker convince a system that it is communicating with a known, trusted entity and gives attacker access to the system. The attacker sends a packet with the IP source address of a known, trusted host instead of its own IP source address to a target host. The target host may accept request of packets. . And Boom!  

7. KEY LOGGING :- In this type of method an attacker tries to convince victim to install a application which will record all the key strucks which will be typed in keyboard. 

 👉🏻 All the images in this blog is not created by me. So all the credits for images only goes to them who had made it.

           👇🏻 RECOMMENDED FOR YOU 👇🏻


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                     $ #SigningOut# $